Federal privacy legislation typically boils down to a few key issues including preemption, enforcement, and private right to action. Some are eager to see preemption included in any federal mandate, exclude private right to action, and have the FTC handle enforcement with some caveats. Others do not support preemption, support private right to action, and have mixed thoughts regarding enforcement. These are real sticking points that have so far prevented any real movement toward a bipartisan federal data privacy bill that could be supported in both chambers.
In this ITSP Magazine “At the Edge” podcast (the first in a special NTSC series), hosted by ITSP Magazine Founder and Editor-in-Chief Sean Martin, listeners will learn why these three issues are preventing Congress from passing a federal data privacy mandate and how to move forward past these issues. Our expert guests include Helen Patton, CISO of Ohio State University; Robert Ball, Global Privacy Officer for Ionic Security; Peter Miller, Senior Counsel at Crowell & Moring; and Jodi Daniels, Founder and CEO of Red Clover Advisors.